Just finished up the French leg of our tour - a literal "Tour de France," as we pretty much zipped around the entire country. We started about 2 weeks ago in the Northeast in New Brittany, an area known for its crepes and alcoholic cider. We then made our way around counter-clockwise, hitting some lovely cities like St. Nazaire, La Rochelle, Marseille, Reims, Villeurbane, Dijon, Calais and finishing up last night with an incredible sold out show in St. Germain en Lay, a suburb of Paris.
Oh, how I had missed this royal treatment! The venues and promotors here take great pride in making their artists and musicians comfortable, and it really makes a difference in life on the road. We generally arrive at the venue mid-afternoon for soundcheck. Upon arrival, we head to the dressing room or catering where a gorgeous spread of salads and snacks awaits, while the crew at the venue carries in our equipment and sets it up. The lunch catering is always chock full of delicious veg/vegan goodies. The standard fare is couscous, shredded carrots, cornichons, fresh greens with an insanely good vinaigrette, and a big bowl of fresh fruits. And of course, a few bottles of local red wine. Also, a food blog about France would not be complete without mention of the bread - I'm not quite sure what they do that is so different, but nothing I've ever had in the states even comes close. I have managed to stay 90% vegan on the trip, but the local cheeses they give us with that insanely good french bread is something that I simply have to indulge in a little when I am here...